H2 Night Vision Power Bank Camera
Hamour (Ghissar) per kg
If you ever traveled to the Middle East or Gulf, you must have come across Hamour fish in fine dining restaurant menus. A very bulky fish, Hamour is one of the major seafood exports from Pakistan. Hamour is a vast category of fish and there are several types of Hamour that are abundant in Pakistan. Loved throughout the world because of its sweet flavor, Hamour is a very versatile cooking option.
The size you get: 2 - 5 kg per fish
Note: All our prices and billings are based on the pre-cleaning/cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight at the time of delivery will be dependent on the type of cutting you choose.
Hawaiian Salmon fish (per kg)
A pleasantly colorful fish that tastes like salmon, Hawaiian salmon fit almost any cutting and culinary requirement.
The size you get Approx 500 gm to 2 kg per fish.
Note: All our prices and billings are based on the pre-cleaning/cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight at the delivery time will depend on the cleaning you choose.